Theodore Boone: The Accused

By John Grisham

Hi! Did you like the other Theodore Boone reviews? Click here to read the first one and here for the second one. You have to read both of those books in order to understand the first part of Theodore Boone: The Accused.

Have you ever been accused of doing something you didn’t do? Well, Theo has! And that’s just what I’m going to tell you about…

Pete Duffy (a character from the first two books) did not show up at his retrial. He was free on bond. You have to know this because it’s going to come up in a later part of the book.

It all started when Theodore Boone rode to school. He opened his locker and some of his items had been stolen – gone! Theo finished his work and tried to go home, but his tire was flat! Someone had slashed it with a knife. A man at the tire store told him that he could not fix this. Theo would either have to buy a new bike or buy a new tire. Theo said he would rent a new bike and see what he could do about his old bike. Then, he rode to school on his new/rented bike. He checked his locker again and found that no one had stolen anything else. He finished his classes and rode home, only to see that his tire had been slashed again! So, he just pushed his bike home.

Two days later…
Mrs. Gladwell, the principal, called Theo over the intercom because some detectives were there to see him. They were investigating a theft at a computer store nearby. They asked Theo if he was missing any of his stuff. He said “yes” and told them what he was missing. They said that was interesting because they had found his Twins baseball cap that had been missing in the computer store. So, right now, Theo was their main suspect. Will they find Pete Duffy or not? How long until they realize that Theo is not the thief? As I always say, read the book to find out!

I recommend this book to any mystery lovers that are okay with not knowing until the very end.

A few helpful things I like to say about the books I read:

“Run and Get Mom” (how I describe the scariness factor):
There were a few scary parts when Theo’s bike tire got slashed and a few others.

“Yucky-Lovey Stuff” (how I describe the romance factor):
There was no yucky-lovey stuff in this book. I’m relieved!


I give this book 5 wands.
It’s a mystery and I could never get tired of it until I figure out who, what, when, where, why and how!

…and bow...