Where the Mountain Meets the Moon | Ep. 12 Emmie EnchantedApril 14, 2019Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Grace Lin, PodcastComment
The Neverending Story | Ep. 11 Emmie EnchantedApril 7, 2019Podcast, The Neverending Story, Michael Ende Comment
Theodore Boone: The Accused | Ep. 10 Emmie EnchantedApril 1, 2019Theodore Boone, The Accused, John Grisham, PodcastComment
Almost Paradise | Ep. 09 Emmie EnchantedMarch 21, 2019Almost Paradise, Corabel Shofner, PodcastComment
Theodore Boone: The Abduction | Ep. 08 Emmie EnchantedMarch 16, 2019Theodore Boone, The Abduction, John GrishamComment
The Year of Billy Miller | Ep. 07 Emmie EnchantedMarch 3, 2019The Year of Billy Miller, Kevin HenkesComment